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Wednesday, 30 August 2017

week before

Week before Nursery starts.

I can not believe that the summer holidays is almost over. And that both of my children will be off to nursery. I think to myself BREATH! 15 hours a week and no children. The only reason that this happening is due to be being able to claim the 2 year funding.

I think to myself IF I did not get the two year funding what would have done? Only my oldest would be nursery and the youngest still at home. BUT that is not bad thing, after all children grow up so fast. You blink and you miss it.

I have worked since I was 15years old so now it is time to have a break to be a mum and take care of someone other myself full time.

SO 15 hours per week what is my plan? Thinking about it, I only have 3 hours per week after dropping them off each day and waiting to pick then up to really do anything.

So I ham going to try and put a plan together and take things from there. The main thing that I would like to do is be more clutter “FREE and to remove any thing from my life that I no longer need.

I am looking at sorting out all of my books first and only keeping the ones that I love, need and are not damaged.

Since having the boys, I have read more and this is something that I love to do and wish I had more time to do.

So my first Aim is to read one book by Christmas and work on my own book to get the final prof reading over and done with.

So this weekend I will spend it with my children finish and before “nursery” shopping and get ready for the first week back.

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