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Thinking Time for Change Glass Etching

So many things have changed over the centuries including the way that we create products that would have required specialized skills and training.

One of those things is glass etching.

Today anyone can learn to etch glass and can do so with under and hour.  This is due to a product that you can buy on line call Glass Etching Cream (see link below.)

Yet how useful is the product and how easy and safe is it to use?

How will it effect the environment in the long run?

I have never used this product before and demonstration of how to use it can be found on you tube, along with the traditional way of how to etch glass.

Personal this was somethig that I was looking at buying when I first heard about this prosuct and could not wait to buy it.

One of the many reasons that I looked into buying it was the cost, time and my children.  I love still dining art and creating new things and upcycling.  At times I have even got my little ones involved when it come to things like paper, glue and none toxic paint.

But when it comes to using any thing else I believe that they are to young, so even getting out my dermal is something that I do not do around them.

So I thought why not try Etching Cream until I read the ingredeance and then I changed my mind.

I only really know what ingredients and the first thing that I though of was drain and over cleaner.  So I am not looking at using this product due to not beliving that it is safe to do so.

I am also worried about the long term damage that could happen to the environment by using it.  But without knowing much about it I do not know the answer to my own question.

I would love to find out more and would love some feed back.

The ingredients is

sulfuric acid
sodium bifluoride
barium sulfate
ammonium bifluoride

Thinking Time for Change Etsy first Time

Although I have been a member of Etsy for a number of years now I have really viewed the site or even looked at using it.

So today my aim is to look into the site and find out if it is really something that I need to subscribe to.

I would love so feed back on this and for people to give their on personal accounts of this site.

Thinking Time for Change Sort out for online accounts

Whilst you are at home why not look at sorting out your online accounts and make sure that every thing is up to dat.

Look at what accounts you have and maybe no longer use and therefore should unsubscribe from.

Look at the ones that my earn you money of if you offers that you have forgotten about.

Look at changing you details and making sure they are up to date.

Look at changing you passwords which is something that #i am to do at lest once per year.

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Pure Warrior Maiden
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