This blog was set up some time ago now. This was original called "Thinking Time for Change." I have now changed it so that it can be used to help support. The Heart of England Endangered Flora and Fauna. (Nuneaton Walks.) Other walk(s) within in Warwickshire will also be included. It is about thinking of things and how you would like them to be. What would I like to achieve?
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Friday, 8 January 2021
Wednesday, 6 January 2021
I have pout the link to AgeUK on my blog to help and surport people during Covid 19. One thing that I will recomend in to sue other websites too.
Also go compare websites when you are shopping atound for price comparison websites, I have found that at times AgeUK can recomend companies that are not always the most cost effective and customer friendly.
So make sure that you take the time to do some consider your options before signing any contracts.
Tuesday, 5 January 2021
Moving with the times 2021
Moving with the times 2021
5th January 2021
Today was the first day for many to home school their little ones, with the support of your child school being rolled out again on line.
What I have found is who challenging on line leaning will be especially with limited access to technology, the government seam to think that every home is equipment with the up to date technical equipment like laptops, iPhones, iPads and unlimited internet data.
I have 3 children and one very old laptop that I love due to having everything I need I only wish I had three of them.
Looking at new laptops nothing out their come close to mine when it come to storage USB ports and disk drive.
All new one seam to have less storage, no disk dive and fewer USB ports.
So I am back to square one with knowing what to buy and how to move with the times when all of my children games are in disk formate.
I personal do not want my children to be downloading any thing off line and why should I pay to download anything when I already have it to hand?
I really need help with this and would love to hear other parents think.
Friday, 1 January 2021
2021 Time To Grow
2021 Time To Grow
Now that the whole world it still working with Covid 19, maybe now would be the time to think about starting new and looking at growing your own Fruit and Vegeables even if it is just a few herbs on you kitchen window in an empty plastic milk carton.
Happy New Year 2021
Happy New Year 2021
The 1st January 2021
Today I have already done the one thing thatI said that Iwould not do, I have stoped cooking and ordered in "Take Out!"
I get found it iso much easier to just order food on line and to not worry about cooing in the kitchen or washing up.
But my kids being kids I still will end up cleaning up all the crumbs and spilages again and again.
So my aim is to STOP ordering take out this year and to try an cook from fresh in 2021.
So today I will aim to restructer my monthly budget with Covid still on the rampage and start again from Monday.