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Thursday, 2 March 2017

Lent Blog Day One

Lent Blog Day one.

And breath! I have final got the children into bed after another stressful day, full of doctors, hospitals, blood test, broken items and lost keys. Not for getting “I want daddy and not you any more!”

So far looking to the futre and trying to stay positive whilst doing so as not gone to well. What I have found out fro today is that my health is not good and I need to do something to improve it NOW. Also the relationship between me and my children is not good either due to my ill health.

One of the main things that I have always had trouble with is stress and working under presure. To to mention being organised and remembering where things are. Over the years I have tried to think of different ways to cope and get thought the day.

But having other people to take care of, means that things do not always go to plan and my health goes out of the window. So what do I so about it?

Today was a positive step more blood tests and antibiotics. The second one is sleep. I need to try and find away to get my children to sleep though for me just like they do for their nan and dad on over night visits.

Eating, I need to stop eating late at night and lower my caffeine in take and up my fruit and vegetables.

I need to start making a list of things to do each day and do it!

That is all of now I will write again tomorrow.

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