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Monday, 30 December 2019

Thinking Time for Change 30th December 2019

With January 2020 around the corner I am going to focus on setting a goal for every month and in January it is going to be to plan for 2020 and see what I can achieve by 1st February 2020.

So what is January about?

What events are happening in January?

I will find out and see what I can achieve in the first 31 days of the year.

Wednesday, 18 December 2019

Thinking Time for Change Why wait until the New Year 2020?

Why wait until the New Year?

It is never easy to change the way that you do things which is why I think that baby steeps are important before making any big changes in ones life.

So why not start now?

One way that I would recomend people doing this is by joint the following groups/pages on face book or something similar.

It's not easy being GREEN

It is not a FAD it is a life style CHANGE.

Both have been set up by women who live in the midlands and are passionate about trying to make a difference in their own life's and trying to Surport and encourage people to do the same.

This is done one step at a time.

Thinking Time for Change 2020 VOLKSBOLTS/ KABFA SPOONFLOWER

Over the next few weeks we are going to be focusing on a range of new product and services fore 2020.

We are looking at bring out some New lines that also include interior products for the traveling life style.  This is to enable your mode of transport to be more of a "home away from home."

So no mater how long your are traveling you have the product and service that you are looking for, we have been looking hat having product made that are bespoke by using the following business that we have listed on our blog.

We are also slowly adding to our own CAD Catalogue, use of reputable suppliers, manufactures and branded products.

At the moment we are updating our Spoonflower online store please click the link below for more information.

Like with any thing that we design we can have proto types made and order them in house for you to view.  So if you have seen any thing on line you like but are unsure about buying it them please get in touch to find out more before buying.

Tuesday, 19 November 2019

Thinking Time for Change 2020 What Magazine?

Over the next few months we will be scanning the shelves to see which magazines that we would recomend buying or possibly subscribing to in 2020.

With all magazines on line now and on social media is it worth buying them in paper back?

We will also be looking at advertising some of our new products in selected magazines in 2020.

So please stay up to date by clicking on the subscribe by email button on our blog, and Facebook page.

We will also be adding a magazine review page to our blog(s) pages too.

Tuesday, 5 November 2019

Thinking Time for Change 4th November Blog 2019 Two PUMPKINS AND PORRIDGE









Monday, 4 November 2019

Thinking Time for Change Computers Games Yes or No?

When it comes to staying fit and healthy I am one of the last people to jump into playing computer games.

It is never been any thing that I would recommend, setting in front of a computer screen for hours at a time.

I would always say go for a walk or read a book.

But since computer games started to become more physical and more hands on. With Wi-Fi (I do not have one. I have found myself looking into computerise games as tool and a way to teach my children different skills that may help them later in life.

I have always said that learning to read and writes a must and so is keeping up to date with Information Technology.

So for the first time this week end I allowed my children to play a computer game.

We did this as a family by linking the computer to the TV so that every one could join in and take turns.

I am not very computer orientated and so I picked up some computer games from a local charity shop for about 50p each.


I then crossed my fingers and toes and hoped that I could get them to play knowing that some times this dose to all ways happen.

For the first time we managed to play as a family with everyone joined in.

The Games that we played I have listed below.

Other world Spring of Shadows Hidden Object Game By Blacklime Games /Big Fish (aged 7)
Dora the Explorer Lost City Adventure Nickelodeon (aged 3+)

Now ever playing computer games I found both of these every had to do so teaching my children what to do was a challenge.

All I can say is thank you to all of those gamers out their who put out information on how to play these games and how to “cheat.”

I was so happy that I was able to interact with my boys on a cold wet day and actually teach them something.

I pick these games because they are about problem solving and really get your mind thinking and looking at how things work.

I know that in the past there was a big promotion about “Brain Training” and things like cross words, work searching and Sudoku where all the range.

Now it is all about being creative and colouring and painting by number.

For me I think that little and often is the key.

So my aim with my boys is that on a Sunday afternoon we will look at playing a game as a family.

I already have a rule that Sunday is family day no mobile phones are allowed. At times this can be a challenge due to both me and my children's dad being self employed and running most of your lives on line now.

But for one day a week I like to turn off and just live with out the phone.

So my plan with be to check out what games I have and make sure that I know how to set them up and if some games do include multiply players I will look into this.

I still love board games but I know that with the game being on my PC then I am not going to have to worry about my little ones losing the pieces of putting them into their mouths.


Also I now that the games are off line and will not cost me money if my children were to click on the wrong box so to speak.

I am hope to improve family time by allowing this one day a week treat.

Enable the boys to learn and improve their IT skills.

Improve their thinking, memory, manual dexterity,, communication, team building and confidence.

So we shall see.

Tuesday, 22 October 2019

Thinking Time For Change October 2019

It is all most November 2019 and an end to an other year.  My little one will finally become one and once again I will be looking at going back to work and setting up my own business again.

I am aiming to become self employed by April 2020 or April 2021 so that I am at the beginning of the financial tax Year.

But for me the main sticking point is money so that I can set up my business and provide for my little ones at the same time.

Being on rented accommodation is my main sticking point because I am unable to work from home and therefore I need to look at renting a business property.

Although I am mainly looking at an online front to my business I still need a business address and I have been struggling to find a business address that I would be able to use that would Benefit me.

One thing that I currently can not afford to do is invest money into stock and to paid for storage too.

So I am looking for a business property that may be able to include accommodation too.

So that is my aim for the next 6 months and work on my portfolio too.

One thing that I would like to get back into would be teaching and modelling again too.

I am looking at updating all of my images in 2020 and setting up my own model website so that I can be employed direct and also advertise local Artistes direct too.

This will be along with my Facebook groups where local artistes can advertise and sell work.  They are also able to post employment opportunities too.

For more information please contact me and subscribe.

Sunday, 13 October 2019

Thinking Time for Change UPDATING MY SELF

When I say that I am updating myself, I mean my online self.

Ever since the internet and social media sites were invented, their seams to be more on line of ones self then one may whish.

By this happening it is easier for anyone to be come venerable and become a victim.

Many potential future contacts that you may whish to have with someone will mean that they are likely to google you first.

Sometimes this can be positive, but mostly it is a negative result and can back fire on you.

So protecting your self online is very import and knowing how to protect your online self is very import.

This is also not to protect yourself but your family to, epically your children.

If there are things on line that you no longer whish to be on line that are picked up by google you can contact them and request fro them to be removed including things like on address, and images.

However this many take some time and not work right away.

One thing that I always recomend people to do is goggle them self at lest every six months and make sure that you are happy with what you find.

One thing that I did not know was when I have set some of my images to private on model websites, facebook and YouTube that they can still be picked up by google and be viewed.

So it pays to check online settings before joining and posting anything online first.

Friday, 11 October 2019

Thinking Time for Change Bite Medical Health Study for Warwickshire University and Nottingham Uni...

Thinking Time for Change Finding your self again.

To "Find yourself again, what dose that really mean?

For some it may be classed as a "mid life crices"

For some a "Year out/ Gap Year"

Or looking at reinventing ones self  like Madonna seams to do very 1 to 2 years.

People always say " A change is as good as a holiday"  But again what dose that really mean too?

When people say that they are "content" are they really happy or have they just become stuck " in a rut" or " just settled?

I am just tired thinking bout these thing and not just typing/ blogging about it.

So what dose any of this really mean to me?

One thing that I have done is set up a number of social media pages and groups on different social media sites to help me break down my thinking and my life.

I find it easy to "part mentalises my life."  JOKE!

To take time of me and my "inner child."

So over the past few weeks I have been making some new goals and trying to reach them, I have had to be more focused and look at things that I can achieve and would like to achieve in the future.

I personally have found this to be quite a challenge and I still have not really set any major goals for my life yet.

One of my main goals in being financially stable this is a goal that I aim to achieve on a weekly and monthly.  I feel that being able to budget and to not constantly live from hand to mouth is a goal that I need to keep track of.

My other goal is to become more healthy and happy with myself.  So I will see how things go over the next few months.

Friday, 28 June 2019

Thinking Time for Change Hallmark - Caroline? (1990) FULL MOVIE

I have added this film to my blog because it is one that I love and is about change.  It is about how just with one person in your life providing it is the right person your life can change for ever not matter who you are.

Thinking Time for Change 11 Parenting Mistakes That Ruin a Child’s Growth

Thursday, 20 June 2019

cyber bully (Full movie)

Thursday, 18 April 2019

Happy Easter 2019

Happy Easter 2019

Over the Easter Holidays we are updating or blog and adding new information for our followers.  Please do not forget to subscribe via email for get up dates.

Happy Easter.

K & L Swan Handmade Gift Baskets

Friday, 29 March 2019

The Artisan Centre Hinckley

I visited The Artisan Centre Hinckley today and found it to be a really nice place with up and coming small craft business.  This is something that I am really interested in doing in the future.  Setting up my own small local independent business in the Art and Media.

For more information please follow the links below.

Wednesday, 27 March 2019

Almost April 2019

Hello, thank you for viewing my blog; please do not forget to subscribe via email to be kept up to date with any additional posts.

At the top of my blog I have added a number of local charities that I have supported and have been supported by that are near to my home town.  I am a strong believer that charity begins at home and I am looking at setting up my own local charity in the future called "The Health Boat."

"The Health Boat" is to help to support the local community of my home town and to branch out to support people with in the midlands.  It is called "The Health Boat" due to everyone being in the same boat at one time or another and that being healthy is the most important thing that I believe helps anyone have a happy and positive life.

My aim is to help to support people in being healthy in Mind, Body, Spirit, home and away.  I aim to do this by selling Vegan products and items that are sold, made and produced within the UK. With the money raised to help to support people to help them self's.

To support other I would be looking at working in partnership with other local charities, services, business, training embellishments, the NHS and the local council.

To achieve this I will need the help and support from the local community to get the ball rolling.  For now all I am asking for is for people to like and follow my fakebook page(s) and group(s)

The Health Boat.

It is not a Fad  "It's a life style change."

For more information please contact me.

If you have found any of the information on the bog of interest and would like to make a donation no matter how small please feel free top do so.

This can be done via the Pay pal link below or emailing me direct to get the address to send things to that are displayed on the Wish list.

Thank you for your support.

Wednesday, 20 March 2019

Thursday, 14 March 2019

Changes to blogging with blogger

Following the announcement of Google+ API deprecation scheduled for March 2019, a number of changes will be made to Blogger’s Google+ integration on 4 February 2019.

Google+ widgets: Support for the “+1 Button”, “Google+ Followers” and “Google+ Badge” widgets in Layout will no longer be available. All instances of these widgets will be removed from your blog.

+1 buttons: The +1/G+ buttons and Google+ share links below blog posts and in the navigation bar will be removed.

Please note that if you have a custom template that includes Google+ features, you may need to update your template. Please contact your template supplier for advice.

Google+ Comments: Support for Google+ comments will be turned down, and all blogs using Google+ comments will be reverted back to using Blogger comments. Unfortunately, comments posted as Google+ comments cannot be migrated to Blogger and will no longer appear on your blog.

Learn more.
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Living the "Rate Race!"

Living in the “Rat Race!”

It is 14th March 2019 and the end of the financial tax year is only around the corner.

WE still do not know what is happening with leaving the EU and so employment for every one and investing in the future is anyone game.

But what can you do in-order to look forward to the future and leave the “Rate Race” and finally start investing in your future?

One of the fist things that I have been doing is de-cluttering my life and looking though my emails and social media links.

This is not an easy job so I only do this once a week so that I can unsubscribe to any on line sites that I no longer use or need in my life.

If you think that thoroughgoing away any thing that you have not worn in the last 6 months is a challenge try de-cluttering your emails and social media links.

This is something that I would recommend you de-clutter your online life every 6 months too.

This will help to improve your employment options especially since everyone seams to google you before employing or meeting anyone.

I am also for inanimation but if you have an email address that may need changing or updating so sound more professional then would would recommend doing this too.

So over the next month I have set myslef a few personal gaols.

  1. De-clutter my emails/social media life.
  2. De-clutter the house.
  3. Look up money saying tips
  4. look at my budget for April 2019-April 2020 (or the next 6 months.)
  5. Look at savings and investments
  6. reading a book (finishing my book.)
  7. Booking a holiday
  8. Setting up my own business/employment.

Monday, 14 January 2019

"when it's not Lemons?"

When it is not Lemons?”

People say “we are what we eat.” but how can this be “when it is not lemons?”

One of the things that I started to do last year was reading the packaging of what I buy, this made me look at where I buy things from and how much I spend.

For my main shopping I have been using Tescos on line and have signed up to a fixed monthly delivery service that means that I can have a delivery 3 days per week every month providing I speand £40.00 per delivery.

This year I will shop around and see if I can cut my spending and only buy “lemons” and not be Sold a “LEMON.”

So last year I started looking at items and tried to STOP but=ting any thing with Palm Oil in, MSG and Artificial Sweeteners.

I am all for sugar and do not feel comfortable with eating a Chemistry set every meal so the more basic the ingredeance the better. (personal chose)

So back to the Lemons, I hate it when something claims to have Lemons in but then it says on the packaging, lemon flavouring, lemon essence.

I can not stand in the super market all day reading packaging so I do it at home when the boys are a sleep. I also look at who things are packaged to try and reduce the amount of products that I buy that have load of packaging that they do not need.

This year I aim to cook more at hoe form fresh so in January 2019 I will do my first shop of the year and by December 2019 I aim to reduce the amount of LEMONS I buy, sugar, Palm oil, MSG Artificial Sugar and packaging I use.

So the amount I will be spend on my January Shop is…

Sunday, 13 January 2019

Kylie Butlers New British Heart Foundation Advert For Dechox Month.

Friday, 4 January 2019

Tuesday, 1 January 2019

Happy 2019 Budget

Happy New Year 2019

1st January 2019 A

Happy New Year this year my aim is to read more this year and to try and to reduce my carbon foot print.  With public service being cut again in Nuneaton I believe that I maybe forced to buy a car and add to the daily congestion and "rush hour."

So I will aim to buy a new car in April of 2019.

That gives me two months to start saving and to look for a car.  At the moment I have tried to cut down when I use public transport due to the rising in costs and the reduces services.

I remember ten year ago when I could catch the bus in Nuneaton almost 24/7.  Now I am lucky if I can catch a bus between 9.00-17.00 Monday to Friday.

I already tend to buy every thing off line which means that I am not worrying about standing in the rain for a bus, carrying heavy bags, fuel costs and car parking spaces.

It also means that I can do my shopping in half the time and can spend time with my children more.  I also only buy what I need and do not over spend and buy things that I do not need to buy.

I also have time to read the ingrediency and look at how things are packaged so that I can try to buy Palm oil free food and food that is not wrapped in ten layers of plastic or recycled boxes.

So I just hope that I can reduce my wastage, stick to my budget of £40.00 per shop per week. (Health start voucher £30.00 per month for milk and vegetables.) 

I am hoping to save £360.00 buy the end of the year and to try and cut my spending buy £20.00 per month if I can (Every 4 Weeks.)  Compared to last year.

I also will do another budgeting form for this year and a food diary.

Pure Warrior Maiden

Pure Warrior Maiden
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The Painted Veils Blog Link
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